After School
BasketballStudents in 5th and 6th grade are invited to take part in the after-school basketball program that begins in January and ends with a district tournament in March.
Chess ScholarsWe have partnered with an outside group Chess Scholars, to offer after-school chess program that allows students to learn a variety of chess strategies, as well as, having a lot of fun. The program is offered several times a year.
S.A.V.E. (Grades: 4-6)S.A.V.E. (Students Against Violence Everywhere) meets after school once a month. Students work together to spread the message of the importance of nonviolence through community service projects and othe activities. These students provide a positive peer influence in preventing violence. For more information visit the National SAVE Campaign website. Coordinators: Mary Johnson, Becky Bretza, and Whitney Palatino
Scouting programs for both the boys and the girls are offered for students in Kindergarten through 6th grade. Information regarding leaders may be obtained through school.