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About Our School

General Information

  • One of six elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school of the Mukwonago Area School District located in Waukesha County.
  • Approximate enrollment is 470 students (4K - 6th grade)


  • 1842 - Vernon District #1 was organized. It later became Joint District #1 and was consolidated with the Mukwonago Area Schools, Joint District #10 in 1971. The school was also known as Big Bend State Graded.
  • 1857 or 1859 - The first school building was built. Before a building was built, classes were held in private homes and the teachers went from house to house instructing students.
  • 1860, 1861, or 1862 - Stone school building was built.
  • 1919 - Structure (3 classrooms) built on the corner of what is now 164 and Edgewood Avenue.
  • 1950 - Hot lunch program began in December.
  • 1953 - New kitchen is built for the hot lunch program.
  • 1954 - 4 classrooms added.
  • 1957 - Principal, Jack Delaney, taught 7th and 8th grade in the morning.
  • 1958 - Office complex, a gym, and 2 classrooms added. John F. Ronan was principal.
  • 1960 - Leo Mulholand becomes principal.
  • 1966 - 4 classrooms and a library were added. 
  • 1970 - 6 classrooms added.
  • 1972 - Guthrie Elementary consolidates with Big Bend Elementary (and other district schools) and closes.
  • 1975 - Guthrie Elementary re-opens to house 5 kindergarten sections (122 students) for Big Bend Elementary (358 first through sixth grade students) which was running at it's capacity.
  • 1976 - Old school bell is removed.
  • 1978 - Principal, Leo Mulholland, resigns and Robert Brueggeman is hired as the new principal.
  • 1981 -  Rennovations
  • 2000 - Principal Robert Brueggeman retires and Theresa Gennerman is hired as the new principal.
  • 2000 - Computer lab with 29 computers and 4 classrooms are added and the library is updated. Guthrie Elementary which housed 2 kindergarten classrooms and 2 special services classrooms is closed. Kindergarten classrooms and one special services classroom move to Big Bend. The other special services classroom moved to Clarendon Avenue Elementary.
  • 2005 - BBTV (Big Bend Television) debuts in the school library media center.
  • 2010 - Principal Theresa Gennerman resigns and Shawn Waller is hired as the new principal.
  • 2013 - Front door security system is added and the library receives a new computer lab with 30 computers.
  • 2015 - The one-to-one technology initiative using Chromebooks begins with 6th grade. Personalized 5th and 6th grade learning team begins.
  • 2016 - The Library Technology Center purchases a 3D printer and implements a MakerSpace (colLABoratory).
  • 2019 - Computer lab that was added in 2000 is dismantled and the room now houses a primary classroom.
  • March 16, 2020 - A virus outbreak closes public schools across the United States and the world.
  • September 2022 - A half-day section of 4K is piloted.
  • Summer 2023 - Library refresh is complete that includes mobile and flexible shelving and seating. 
  • September 2023 - A full-day section of 4K added.
  • May 2024 - Principal Shawn Waller resigns and Greg Burton is hired as the new principal.